Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An inconvennient truth

Adevarul care nu ne convine este INCALZIREA GLOBALA, fenomen despre care am aflat foarte multe in filmul lui Al Gore, fostul canditat la presedentia SUA care s-a dedicat rezolvarii acestei probleme. Documentarul e foarte bine realizat si bazandu-se pe studii stiintifice si date concrete, explica cum a evoluat planeta noastra de-a lungul timpului, cum a intervenit omul si ce se va intampla daca se continua in acest fel.

What is global warming?

Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising.

The vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is real, it’s already happening and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.

We’re already seeing changes. Glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts is increasing.
Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.

There is no doubt we can solve this problem. In fact, we have a moral obligation to do so. Small changes to your daily routine can add up to big differences in helping to stop global warming. The time to come together to solve this problem is now – TAKE ACTION

You have the power to make a difference. Small changes to your daily routine can add up to big changes in helping to stop global warming.

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  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    eu cred ca planeta va ajunge la fel ca in filmul 'the day after tomorrow' pur si simplu se va reseta

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Foarte interesant filmul, iar subiectul tratat e foarte ARZĂTOR!

    Scrisesem şi eu un post pe tema încălzirii globale, cu ocazia BlogActionDay :)

  3. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Cautati si urmariti documentarul The Great Global Warming Swindle
