Green Thing is a public service that inspires people to lead a greener life. With the help of brilliant videos and inspiring stories etc. from creative people and community members around the world, Green Thing focuses on seven things you can do - and enjoy doing. Join people from 193 countries doing their green things and making a difference.
Heat: Turn down the central heating and turn up the HUMAN HEAT
Consumption: The art of wasteing nothing and using up everything ALL-CONSUMING
Transport: Instead of jetting around the world STAY GROUNDED!
Energy: Don't leave it on, or even put in on, PLUG IT OUT!
Health: You get from A to B without any C when you WALK THE WALK!
Food: It's delicious but it causes more CO2 than cars so GO EASY ON THE MEAT!
Technology: Rezist the urge to buy the latest and STICK WITH WHAT YOU GOT!

Consumption: The art of wasteing nothing and using up everything ALL-CONSUMING
Transport: Instead of jetting around the world STAY GROUNDED!
Energy: Don't leave it on, or even put in on, PLUG IT OUT!
Health: You get from A to B without any C when you WALK THE WALK!
Food: It's delicious but it causes more CO2 than cars so GO EASY ON THE MEAT!
Technology: Rezist the urge to buy the latest and STICK WITH WHAT YOU GOT!
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