Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jesus goes to Hollywood

In acelasi Imperiu Utopic al Balcaniei veti gasi o serie foarte interesanta de desene la care nu m-am putut abtine si am contribuit si eu cu desenul de mai sus.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    de ce seamana cu o svastica?

  2. foarte tare...si toate desenele cu Iisus sunt foarte ..inspirate..adica..daca era prea mare? sau prea mic? sau..

  3. nu e o svastica ma....era egipten.ete piramidele acolo in spate.:))

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    nu mi se pare o idee prea buna sa iti bati de asemenea lucruri dar asta e parerea mea

  5. nu isi bate nimeni joc de nimik..sunt ilustrate niste intrebari normale, si care prin problemele pe care le pun demonstreaza perfectiunea lui Iisus.cine isi bate joc?

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Ah, dle smoking cool cat, totusi vei arde in flacarile iadului. Ai facut in jurul desenului un chenar de-ala rece si fara suflet, din calculator.

    "The original Utopian-Balcanian products" au ca sablon mereu un biscuite de bere...

    Te salut!

  7. Te-am metionat in postul de mai jos, baga-te si participa la sectiunea de comentarii, daca esti de acord :)

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    What if Jesus was... NOT? A lot of people feel that we would be better without religion, but not too many know for example that Jesus story is not only a fairy tale. But a fairy tale that was STOLEN from other religions and cults that existed in the ancient Roman Empire. Apollonius of Tyana, Mithra, Orpheus, Buddha, Horus, to name only a few, were all born on December 25, by a virgin, they performed miracles and were killed, buried and eventually resurrected and ascended to heaven. Jesus is just a myth, just like Hercules.
    And speaking about the cartoons, it's good to know that in a world in which a third of the world's population awaits for the world to be destroyed and for Jesus to come and take them, some people have the wit to make fun about it.
    If you'd like to know more about cool historical FACTS about christianity, come to http://creationistmonkey.com/ to learn more.
