Red Hot Riding Hood is an animated cartoonshort subject, directed by Tex Avery and released on May 8, 1943 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. In 1994 it was voted #7 of The 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field. It is one of Avery's most popular cartoons, inspiring several of his own "sequel" shorts as well as influencing other cartoons and feature films for years afterward. [read more]
:)) imi pace mult:D
ReplyDeleteDesenul este frumos.insa nu stiu daca ati vazut filmul..E BOORING!!
ReplyDeletemda... nici nu am putut sa-l vad pana la sfarsit
ReplyDeleteMie mi-a placut si filmul :D
ReplyDeleteetse foarta tare:X:X
ReplyDeleteEste si film? huh? desenele e fain :)
ReplyDeleteVai cat de frumos, imi amintesc de copilarie :X