Sunday, May 31, 2009
Expo @ Preoteasa 30 mai

Sunday Morning Cartoon
Mickey, Donald & Goofy - Moving Day (1936)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday COMICS
Wednesday Comics presents: Porterhouse - The life of a comic artist

All rights @ Kent Archer & Tom Torre

Ziua Bloggerilor Bucuresteni

Sambata 30 mai @ Casa de Cultura a Studentilor
(Calea Plevnei nr.61 - in spatele Operei)
Evenimentul organizat de Biblioteca Metropolitana si Ministerul Tineretului se anunta chiar interesant, va fi un adevarat "festival de blogging". Pretextul acestui eveniment e implinirea a 550 de ani de la atestarea Bucurestiului, asa ca sambata asta, blogurile vor prinde viata si se vor manifesta prin muzica, dans, teatru, fotografie, stand-up comedy, benzi desenate, handmade, jonglerii, prezentari de tot felul si multe-multe altele.
Programul festivalului: [aici]
PS: voi avea si eu o mini-expozitie asa ca va astept!
PS2: am onoarea de a expune alaturi de Pisica Patrata si Comics.CevaMarunt
PS2: am onoarea de a expune alaturi de Pisica Patrata si Comics.CevaMarunt
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"Please say something"
Asta e un filmulet de animatie chiar impresionant pe care l-am urmarit la Future Shorts saptamana trecuta.
Autor: David O'Reilly
Cercetasi - ep 10

Mai multe desene cu cercetasi [aici]
Spune pe scurt
SPUNE PE SCURT este un festival de film de scurt metraj care se desfasoara in mediu ONLINE. De ce dorim sa dam viata acestui proiect in mediu online? Pentru ca noi vedem internetul ca pe o sala de cinema cu numar nelimitat de locuri. In acest mod vom da posibilitatea unui numar foarte mare de oameni sa vizioneze filme, fara a le rapi mult timp si cu costuri nule. SPUNE PE SCURT isi doreste sa adune toti iubitorii de film in cea mai mare sala de cinema din Romania: www.spunepescurt.ro
Monday, May 25, 2009
Life drawing

Portret de scoala generala

Fredo and Pid'jin - 4 Years of PID'JIN GLORY

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Le crevette

scan din Pif Gadget nr 52
Concurs - Guess who?

Gayfest 2009

Sunday Morning Cartoon
A tale of two mice (1945)
A Tale of Two Mice is a 1945 Warner Bros. cartoon in the Looney Tunes series, directed by Frank Tashlin. It is a sequel to 1942's A Tale of Two Kitties, with the Abbott and Costello characterizations ("Babbit and Catstello") now cast as mice.
A Tale of Two Mice is a 1945 Warner Bros. cartoon in the Looney Tunes series, directed by Frank Tashlin. It is a sequel to 1942's A Tale of Two Kitties, with the Abbott and Costello characterizations ("Babbit and Catstello") now cast as mice.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
SCC pe Metropotam

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Future Short 22 mai @ ArtExpo TNB

Vineri 22 mai @ ArtExpo TNB (incepand cu ora 20:00)
din program: animatii, scurt-metraje romanesti si internationale, videoclipuri, lansare Zi-ne nr 3, Sunday People live, party cu Bully si Sensorship. Intrare 20 RON. Cu aceeasi bratara poti intra si la petrecerea Raspiua din aceasi seara.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wednesday COMICS
Wednesday Comics presents: Barbarian Diary
Barbarian Diary is a webcomic about a Barbarian who keeps a diary. Other projects by the same author: Space Barbarian and A-dude-a-day

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Salon de BD la Iasi

Tema: "Banda desenata si Cinematograful"
mai multe detalii pe salonBD.ro
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sunday Morning Cartoon
Walt Dysney's Lady and the tramp (1955)
Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 animated feature film produced by Walt Disney, and originally released to theaters on June 22, 1955 by Buena Vista Distribution. The 15h animated feature in the Disney animated features canon, it was the first animated feature filmed in the CinemaScope widescreen film process. The story pairs a female American Cocker Spaniel named Lady who lives with a prosperous, upper middle-class family, and a male stray mutt called the Tramp.
more on wikipedia: [link]
Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 animated feature film produced by Walt Disney, and originally released to theaters on June 22, 1955 by Buena Vista Distribution. The 15h animated feature in the Disney animated features canon, it was the first animated feature filmed in the CinemaScope widescreen film process. The story pairs a female American Cocker Spaniel named Lady who lives with a prosperous, upper middle-class family, and a male stray mutt called the Tramp.
more on wikipedia: [link]
Saturday, May 16, 2009
TV people

The art of movie titles - Kiss kiss bang bang
de pe: www.davidairey.com, mai multe [aici]
Superhero Inspiration
Line fight

Doi desenatori romani, Bogdan Stanescu si Mircea Dragoi, se intrec intr-un razboi al liniilor si al punctelor in care fiecare supererou desenat trebuie sa il invinga pe precedentul.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Guess who?

- Mircea said... Hong Kong Phooey .. faster then the human eye. September 7, 1974
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday Comics
Wednesday Comics presents: 40 comic strips about webdesigners
Shantel - Queen of Transilvania

Avatar Wall

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Aspirator party: GOLDEN BUG

Aspirator's Djs, Logan (Haules Baules) &
The Model (Gigolo Records).
Visuals: Cote & Bogdan si Optic Cluster/Ani Lumina.
15 mai @ The Ark (vezi harta)
Muzica & more pe: www.aspirator.tv
Monday, May 11, 2009
Bucharest Skyline
Pentru ca am cautat pe net o imagine cat mai panoramica a Bucurestiului si nu am gasit, am zis sa fac eu una. Ce landmark-uri recunoasteti? Ce ar trebui sa mai adaug?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Have bike will travel

Sunday Morning Cartoon
Sunday Morning Cartoon: Atom Ant
Atom Ant is a cartoon ant and superhero, created by Hanna-Barbera in 1965. His name may have been derived from adamant, which gives indication towards his great strength (exceeding the "250 times his own weight" lifting capacity ants are often said to have). Atom Ant (voiced by the late Howard Morris) operated out of an anthill in the countryside, where he possessed such things as a mainframe computer and exercise equipment. His powers mostly consisted of the ability to fly, superspeed, and amazing strength. He was often contacted by the police, who sent him out on assignment. Some of these missions parodied those of Batman. In one episode, the police force was shown to be underfunded and inept, as they relied on Atom Ant to do all their police work.
sursa: wikipedia

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Call for submissions: Superheros Zi-ne #3

blog: [aici]
de pe: Feeder
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