Friday, April 30, 2010
MyJob Comics - ep. 7

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Pivot - animation
More on:
via iancul
Sapte Seri - ep. 41

IE8 Comics
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Multumesc celor care m-ati votat pana acum si sper s-o faceti in continuare, ajutandu-ma astfel sa castig avere si faima internationala!
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MojiZu War - Bubirinom (round 1)

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A new character (one inspired by a friend of mine) enters MojiZU War and faces in round 1 Corseva by Taratela a 32 years old spanish designer.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Naked Monday
Old TV and old Cartoon Network

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Morning Cartoon - Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast is a 1991 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation which premiered at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on November 13, 1991. The story is based on the fairy tale La Belle et la Bête by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, who was uncredited in the English version of the film but credited in the French version as writer of the novel[2] and also uses some ideas derived from the 1946 French film[3]. It centers around a prince who is transformed into a Beast and the beautiful young woman whom he imprisons in his castle.
This is the thirtieth film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series and the third animated feature released during the Disney Renaissance, which began in 1989 with The Little MermaidTarzan. It is widely considered one of Disney's greatest animations, and is the first of only two animated films to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best PictureUp). Many animated films following its release have been influenced by its blending of traditional animation and computer generated imagery.
more on wikipedia: [link]
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sapte Seri - ep. 40

Friday, April 23, 2010
Care-i supereroul tau preferat?

mai multe pe wikipedia: [aici]
Batman: creat de Bob Kane si Bill Finger si a aparut prima data in mai 1939 in Detective Comics #27. Batman este de fapt milionarul playboy Bruce Wayne si lupta impotriva criminalitatii din Gotham City.
Spiderman: creat de Stan Lee si Steve Ditko si a fost publicat prima data de Marvel Comics in revista Amazing Fantasy #15 din august 1962. Identitatea lui ascunsa este Peter Parker, un adolescent din New York, care a capatat puteri supranaturale dupa ce a fost muscat de un paianjen radioactv.
mai multe pe wikipedia: [aici]
Recunoaste personajul
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Anunt concurs
Fotocaricatura: Ahile

PS: Mai am de facut pentru: Alex Says, Alina, Edy, Caraulescu si Ovidiu (daca ati castigat si nu sunteti pe lista mai trimiteti-mi inca o data pozele si concursul pe care l-ati castigat)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How to design a cute character

MyJob Comics - ep. 6

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Inspectorul Danger - Enigma nr 29

Si cu asta incheiem concursul nostru de rezolvat enigme pentru ca s-a terminat revista. Sper ca v-a placut sa cititi benzile desenate si sa rezolvati o enigmele lui W.W. Olsen prin personajul sau Inspectorul Danger si daca aveti scenarii coerente de enigme imi puteti trimite pe mail si eu voi incerca sa le ilustrez.
Puteti revedea toate enigmele: [aici]
Mojizu War - Swiss Army Robot (round 3)

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For the 3rd time I enter the semifinals of MojiZU War where i face Bloody Seance byMemphisBELLE96 who also faced in round 1 of this war.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sapte Seri - ep. 39

Mai multe benzi desenate cu micul extraterestru pe la rubrica comics sau chiar [aici] pe blog.
Naked Monday

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday Morning Cartoon - Speedy Gonzales
Speedy Gonzales (or Gonzalez or simply Speedy), "The Fastest Mouse in all Mexico", is an animated cartoon mouse from the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. To date, there have been 46 cartoons made either starring or featuring this character. In 1999, the Cartoon Network ceased to air Speedy Gonzales. In an interview she gave to Fox News on March 28, 2002, Cartoon Network spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg commented, "It hasn't been on the air for years because of its ethnic stereotypes." This is widely believed to refer to Speedy's fellow mice, who are all shown as being very slow and lazy, and sometimes even appear intoxicated. This is particularly true of Speedy's cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, who is exceptionally slow and lazy.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The realest

Friday, April 16, 2010
MyJob Comics - ep. 5

Thursday, April 15, 2010

si cu burta
Si-n halat!"
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Inspectorul Danger - Enigma nr 28

Urmatorul caz de rezolvat (care va fi si ultimul) - martea viitoare ora 19:00
Restul enigmelor: [aici]
MojiZu War - Swiss Army Robot (round 2)

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Swiss ArmyRobot goes toround 2 where hefaces The Bearded One by El Hefe a 29 years oldamerican from Arizona, with only 2 characters uploaded on mojizu.