Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Bear That Wasn't a Bear

The Bear that Wasn't is a 1946 children's book by film director and Looney Tunes alumnus Frank Tashlin. In 1967, Tashlin's former colleague Chuck Jones directed an animated short film based upon the book for MGM.
Though appearing as a children's book, this story looks into the aspects of society. It revolves around the concept of people believing a repeated idea even though it may not be true. People have a tendency to shift their views if a concept is hammered into them over and over again, like the bear being told he is a "silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat". The bear eventually succumbs to this mistaken assumption, believing he is a man even though he had previously known otherwise, just as humans shift their views on a topic because of repetitive information, or because 'they all say it is true, therefore it must be'.

mai multe [aici]


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    imi aduc aminte de desenul asta...oarecum... melodia e tot ce imi mai amintesc

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    nha.. la cât de animal e uneori omu' parcă înţeleg de unde confuzia..

    acum mai serios, chiar mi-era dor să văd desenele ăsta.. aş zice că-i în stilul poveştilor lui doctor seuss, cu morală, alea-alea.. prea tare, mi s-a facut aşa un dor :-?

  3. octav, you're a star. n-am mai vazut "the bear that wasn't" de ani si ani de zile. what's even weirder, i was thinking about it these days.
    sunt mereu cu ochii pe blog chiar daca nu prea mai apuc sa zic nimic. always worth my while!
    thanks, man!!
    elisa x

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    mie îmi aduce aminte de un episod din tom şi jerry, când erau pe o navă spaţială, planetă, nu ştiu... şi fiecare avea un animal-roboţel.. jerry încerca să fure 'cheese' bineînţeles.. îmi aduce aminte prin stilul animaţiei, sunete, muzică.. probabil era tot de chuck jones

  5. @vali chiar e destul de psihologic filmuletul, ce mi se pare interesant e ca si un copil foarte mic intelege mesajul

    @elisa thanx :)

    @anonymous cred ca stiu la ce episod te referi, am si eu aceeasi imagine in cap! dar nu stiu cum se cheama episodul...
