Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Super Secret Secret Squirrel

Secret Squirrel is is a funny animal cartoon character created by Hanna-Barbera, and also the name of his segment in the The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show, which debuted in 1965. He was given his own show in 1966, but was reunited with Atom Ant for one more season in 1967. Secret first appeared in a prime-time animated special called The World of Atom Ant and Secret Squirrel, which aired on NBC on September 12, 1965.
The Secret Squirrel half-hours included three individual cartoon segments: "Secret Squirrel," "Squiddly Diddly," and "Winsome Witch." Secret Squirrel's shorts were a parody of the then-popular spy genre, with most of his shorts' elements satirizing those of the James Bond films. Secret Squirrel was also known as "Agent 000". Beginning in 1993, thirteen new Secret Squirrel cartoons appeared in between the 2 Stupid Dogs episodes, with the updated title, Super Secret Secret Squirrel and a new cast. [wikipedia]

Friday, September 28, 2012

Daca e vineri, e Inspectorul Danger

In fiecare vineri la ora 19:00 aveti ocazia sa rezolvati o enigma (cu dovezi si argumente clare) si puteti castiga o fotocaricatura.

Benzile desenate cu Inspectorul Danger sunt creatia danezului W.W. Olsen si au fost preluate de pe

Humpty Dumpty

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Mai multe despre cum a fost la Salonul de Banda Desenata de la Constanta aflati [aici]

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lumea Copiilor - 1924

descrierea originala a publicatiei: "Publicatiune ilustrata saptamanala pentru copii si tineret. Apare in modul cel mai regulat in fiecare Vineri si se afla de vanzare la toate librariile si chioscurile de ziare din tara." Director G. Filip, Redactia si Administratia: Bucuresti, Str. Campineanu, 40

via si

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Salonul de Banda Desenata de la Constanta

Între 21-23 septembrie va avea loc la Muzeul de Artă din Constanţa cea de-a 22-a ediţie a Salonului Internaţional al Benzii Desenate din România.

Anul acesta  va fi o ediÅ£ie specială, cu numeroase surprize, cu o bogată librărie ad-hoc, propunând vizitatorilor benzi desenate în română, franceză ÅŸi engleză  ÅŸi mai ales cu invitaÅ£i de prestigiu, mulÅ£i dintre ei venind pentru prima oară la salon:
- Vintilă Mihăescu, autor clasic al BD-ul românesc, membru al  Uniunii ArtiÅŸtilor Plastici din România;
- Puiu Manu şi Marius Leştaru, autorii noului album Dim Dunăreanu: Sarabandă în golful Aden;
- Octav Ungureanu ÅŸi Valentin Sava, reprezentanÅ£i ai noii generaÅ£ii de desenatori,  publicaÅ£i de revista Comics;
-  arhitectul Radu Marian, care îşi lansează ultimul album, Pafnutie cyborgul;
- Alex Talambă, noua stea a BD-ului românesc;
- Åžerban Andreescu, LaurenÅ£iu Butuc, Eduard ViÅŸan, Alexandru  Toma, alÅ£i creatori BD.

InvitaÅ£i speciali ai acestei ediÅ£ii: Antonio Cossu, artist ÅŸi profesor de BD la Academia de Arte Frumoase din Tournai, Belgia,  Paul Laffont, traducător ÅŸi reprezentant al editurii italiene Pavesio în FranÅ£a precum ÅŸi profesorul  universitar  Adrian Cioroianu.
Organizatorii manifestării, AlianÅ£a Franceză din ConstanÅ£a, Ambasada  FranÅ£ei, DelegaÅ£ia Wallonie-Bruxelles ÅŸi AsociaÅ£ia Bedefililor din România,  vă aÅŸteaptă cu drag.

mai multe [aici]

Fotocaricatura: Adrian

Adrian a fost primul care a recunoscut personajul de [aici] si a castigat o foto-caricatura

Friday, September 14, 2012

Daca e vineri, e Inspectorul Danger (17)

In fiecare vineri la ora 19:00 aveti ocazia sa rezolvati o enigma (cu dovezi si argumente clare) si puteti castiga o fotocaricatura.

Benzile desenate cu Inspectorul Danger sunt creatia danezului W.W. Olsen si au fost preluate de pe

Ascultati povestile din "Harap Alb continua..."

Pe pagina de facebook a "Harap Alb continua..." puteti asculta povestile personajelor: [link]

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Recunoaste personajul

Recunoaste personajul si castiga o foto-caricatura. Am nevoie de numele complet al personajului si nu "aaaa... e ala ma, din desenele alea!".

indiciu: "traieste in padure"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Wednesday Comics: PHD Comics

Welcome to "Piled Higher and Deeper", the ongoing chronicle of life (or the lack thereof) in grad school.

If you're just here for a few laughs, you may want to check out these general fan favorites that poke fun at grad students, research and procrastination

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Time Squad

Time Squad is an American animated television series created in 2001 by David Wasson, following the adventures of a trio of hapless "time cops", who travel back in time attempting to correct the course of history. [wikipedia]

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Devil: Him versus Red Guy

Him is a mysterious, supernatural, red-skinned, effeminate, immortal, devilish entity. His physical appearance is an amalgamation of sorts with crab-like claws, red skin, pointed ears, a hooked nose, yellow/green eyes and a long, curled beard, wearing makeup, a woman's red jacket and skirt with pink tulle at the collar and hemline, and black, thigh-high, spike-heeled hooker boots. His voice ranges from a high-pitched falsetto to a deep, booming basso profondo.According to the narrator in Him's first appearance, he is "so evil, so sinister, so horribly vile, that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men." He is shown to feed off the negative emotions of human beings and become powerless when there is little or no negativity in the air.
The Red Guy is a red creature of an unknown species resembling a demon, and in the pilot "No Smoking" episode he was shown as Satan. In later cartoons, he is no longer shown as that character, but instead as a being who is known for masquerading as different people with different occupations in order to harm, torture or scam Cow and Chicken for reasons never established in the series. Often, these characters are given pun names related to the Red Guy's bare posterior and lack of pants, and sometimes he has been known to disguise himself as more than one character in the same episode in order to continue bothering Cow and Chicken, and sometimes I.R. Baboon and Weasel.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Dynomutt, Dog Wonder

Dynomutt, Dog Wonder is an American animated television series produced for Saturday mornings by Hanna-Barbera about a Batman-esque super hero, the Blue Falcon, and his assistant, bumbling yet generally effective robot dog Dynomutt, who could produce a seemingly infinite number of mechanical devices from his body. As with many other animated super-heroes of the era, no origins for the characters were ever provided. Like many animated series created by Hanna-Barbera in the 1970s, the show contained an inferior laugh track created by the studio.

more on [wikipedia]