Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday Morning Cartoon - Wacky Racers
Wacky Races is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The series features 11 different cars racing against each other in various road rallies, with each driver hoping to win the title of the "World's Wackiest Racer." Wacky Races ran on CBS from September 14, 1968 to January 4, 1969. Seventeen episodes were produced, with each episode featuring two different races, for a total of 34 races in all.
The cartoon was unusual in the large number of regular characters, twenty-four in total: the twenty-three people spread among the 11 race cars, plus the unseen (and never identified) race announcer. Another unusual feature of the series is that the stars of the show are the villains as opposed to the heroes.
mai multe despre Waky Racers pe wikipedia
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Super oferta
MojiZu War - Crazy Eyes Round 1
Intra si Crazy Eyes in razboiul de personaje dar nu prea cred ca va face fata lui Bembe al lui Billy_Z din Argentina. Poti alege castigatorul [aici]. Iti faci cont [aici]
Crazy Eyes enters MojiZU War but i don't think he-s a match for Bembe by Billy_Z from Argentina. You can vote [here]. Register [here]
Crazy Eyes enters MojiZU War but i don't think he-s a match for Bembe by Billy_Z from Argentina. You can vote [here]. Register [here]
MojiZu War - Vomit the Viking Round 2
Armed Hairball n-a supravietuit razboiului dar Vomit the Viking merge mai departe si il infrunta pe Rb Bear creat de Luluhace din UK. Poti vota castigatorul: [aici]. Mai intai trebuie sa-ti faci cont [aici]
Armed Hairball didn't made it to Round 3 of MojiZu War but Vomit the Viking moves to Round 2 where he faces Rb Bear, designed by Luluhace from UK. You can vote the winner [here]. First you have to register [here]
Armed Hairball didn't made it to Round 3 of MojiZu War but Vomit the Viking moves to Round 2 where he faces Rb Bear, designed by Luluhace from UK. You can vote the winner [here]. First you have to register [here]
Castigator concurs: Talibanu'
Talibanu' a recunoscut personajul misterios de aici si a castigat o fotocaricatura. Urmeaza un nou concurs, nu se stie cand... dar se stie unde.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Stand Up Comedy cu Aristocratii
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
SCC Party @ Baraka
Daca ignoram pana de curent ce a durat doar vreo 3 ore (de la 9 la 12), pot spune ca petrecerea a fost chiar reusita. Multa lume, distractie si amuzament, bere, sangria, wiskey cu cola si apoi nu mai tin minte... inca mai aflu intamplari. Oricum a iesit frumos si mai urmeaza si alte petreceri cu benzi desenate.
Sunday Morning Cartoon - Prest-O Change-O (1939)
Prest-O Change-O is a 1939 Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Chuck Jones, and first released on March 25, 1939 by Warner Bros.. It marks the second appearance of the prototype of Bugs Bunny.
Two rogue dogs are being pursued by a dog catcher until they hide in an abandoned house. There they encounter a trunk owned by Sham-Fu the magician (unseen). They open it, and all manner of magic tricks come out of the trunk, including his pet rabbit. The rabbit tricks the two dogs repeatedly, causing them endless frustration, until he is bested by the bigger of the two dogs, who bops him to a lampshade.
source: wikipedia
Saturday, August 22, 2009
MojiZu War
Friday, August 21, 2009
Primele comics pe care le-am desenat
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Smokingcoolcats Party @ Baraka
Smokingcoolcats Party @ Baraka
vineri, 21 august, 10pm
Expozitie de benzi desenate pe ritmurile lui Bully si VRT, stickere si alte surprize, bere rece si tequila. Nu puteam lasa vara sa treaca fara o petrecere cu benzi desenate la Baraka, asa ca va invit pe toti sa ne gadilam live, vineri in aer liber! See you there!
check guestlist [aici] si ultimele noutati pe twitter [aici]
VRT pe myspace [aici] si Bully [aici]
vineri, 21 august, 10pm
Expozitie de benzi desenate pe ritmurile lui Bully si VRT, stickere si alte surprize, bere rece si tequila. Nu puteam lasa vara sa treaca fara o petrecere cu benzi desenate la Baraka, asa ca va invit pe toti sa ne gadilam live, vineri in aer liber! See you there!
check guestlist [aici] si ultimele noutati pe twitter [aici]
VRT pe myspace [aici] si Bully [aici]
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Taranu de oras
New character in MojiZu War
Vomit the Viking intra si el in MOjiZu War si in prima runda il infrunta pe Mr. Squidish al lui Squidnik de undeva din USA. poti vota [aici] iti faci cont: [aici]
Vomit the Viking enters first round of MojiZu War where he faces Mr. Squidish by Squidnikhere from USA. register: [here] you can vote: [here]
Vomit the Viking enters first round of MojiZu War where he faces Mr. Squidish by Squidnikhere from USA. register: [here] you can vote: [here]
MojizZu War Round 2
Armed Hairball trece in runda 2 din MojiZu War si il infrunta pe Tiki Warrior al unui mexican pe nume chakzarmada :[aici] si poti alege invingatorul :[aici]
Armed Hairball advanced to 2nd round of MojiZu War and faces Tiki Warrior, designed by chakzarmada: [blog] and you can choose the winner: [here]
register: [here]
iti faci cont: [aici]
Armed Hairball advanced to 2nd round of MojiZu War and faces Tiki Warrior, designed by chakzarmada: [blog] and you can choose the winner: [here]
register: [here]
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ca cainele si pisica
Noţiunea de cacofonie (numită uneori şi disonanţă) se foloseşte în lingvistică şi în muzică pentru a denumi orice fel de asociaţii neplăcute de sunete. Termenul antonim este eufonie.
Interesant mi se pare ce spunea George Pruteanu despre cacofonie: "[...] Din capul locului vreau să alung o confuzie cam populară. Noţiunea de cacofonie nu provine DIN şi nu e legată DE ideea de... mă-nţelegeţi...! Cacofonie e un neologism format din două cuvinte greceşti: kakos, care-nseamnă "rău, urît, prost" şi phone, care-nseamnă sunet. [...]"
sursa: wikipedia
Interesant mi se pare ce spunea George Pruteanu despre cacofonie: "[...] Din capul locului vreau să alung o confuzie cam populară. Noţiunea de cacofonie nu provine DIN şi nu e legată DE ideea de... mă-nţelegeţi...! Cacofonie e un neologism format din două cuvinte greceşti: kakos, care-nseamnă "rău, urît, prost" şi phone, care-nseamnă sunet. [...]"
fragment din emisiunea "Doar o vorba SAT-I mai spun", restul transcrierii: [aici]
PS: Mare om George Pruteanu. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca!
PS: Mare om George Pruteanu. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday Morning Cartoon
Pigs is pigs - Walt Disney (1954)
Pigs Is Pigs is a noted story written by Ellis Parker Butler. First published as a short story in The American Magazine in September 1905, "Pigs is Pigs" went on to dozens of printings as a book and in anthologies over the next several decades.
May 21, 1954 - "Pigs is Pigs" is released as a Disney short film (cartoon). It's the same story, but the filmmakers showed no desire to follow the original text. Flannery (no first name) is still the station agent but his customer is now McMorehouse. This short (directed by Jack Kinney, story by Leo Salkin and animation by John Sibley) was nominated for an Academy Award (Short Subjects - Cartoons).
despre Ellis Parker Butler si nuvela sa: [aici]
Pigs Is Pigs is a noted story written by Ellis Parker Butler. First published as a short story in The American Magazine in September 1905, "Pigs is Pigs" went on to dozens of printings as a book and in anthologies over the next several decades.
May 21, 1954 - "Pigs is Pigs" is released as a Disney short film (cartoon). It's the same story, but the filmmakers showed no desire to follow the original text. Flannery (no first name) is still the station agent but his customer is now McMorehouse. This short (directed by Jack Kinney, story by Leo Salkin and animation by John Sibley) was nominated for an Academy Award (Short Subjects - Cartoons).
despre Ellis Parker Butler si nuvela sa: [aici]
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Skizzo Skillz - "Pierde Vara"
Chiar imi place baiatul asta, face muzica, vine cu ceva nou si chiar are ceva de spus! check out his blog: [aici]
skizzo skillz - pierdevara / 2009 from skizzo skillz on Vimeo.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Niste gaini
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
MojiZu Face Off
Micutul ghem de par a intrat in Moji War, razboiul de 5 saptamani intre cele mai votate personaje de pe MojiZu. In prima runda intalneste un alt alien, creat de kemotaku un designer, ilustrator si comic book artist din Solo, Indonezia. Daca Armed Hairball trece de prima runda, va mai avea de infruntat alte 4 personaje in drumul spre victorie si titlul de MojiZu Champion.
Votati: [aici]
Va faceti cont: [aici]
My little hairball entered Moji War, a 5 weeks face off between the most voted characters on MojiZu. In the first round he battles another alien, created by kemotakua designer, illustrator and comic book artist from Solo, Indonezia. If Armed Hairball goes through the first round, he will battle 4 more characters on his way to victory and MojiZu Champion.
Votati: [aici]
Va faceti cont: [aici]
My little hairball entered Moji War, a 5 weeks face off between the most voted characters on MojiZu. In the first round he battles another alien, created by kemotakua designer, illustrator and comic book artist from Solo, Indonezia. If Armed Hairball goes through the first round, he will battle 4 more characters on his way to victory and MojiZu Champion.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Landmark: Castelul Bran
Stim cu totii ca mitul Dracula si Vlad Tepes sunt doua lucruri total diferite dar ce nu inteleg eu este de nu exploatam mitul asta?!? La castelul Bran vin turisti din toata lumea atrasi de istoria cetatii medievale?... Nu. Atrasi de frumusetile imprejurimilor sau de traditiile locului?... In nici un caz... vin in cautarea lui Dracula. Dar ia-l de unde nu-i! Nici macar un tricou cu Dracula sau o pereche de dinti de vampir... ca sa nu mai zic de masti sau jucarii... Nimic!!! Sau vrun parc de distracti... imi vine sa rad... Suntem varza! Ne pune Dumnezeu mana in cap cu asa o atractie turistica si noi nu suntem in stare s-o exploatam... Trist!...
Thursday, August 06, 2009
New MojiZU Character: Crazy Eye
Daaa... Bucurestiul chiar e plin de pasarici mici, inaaaalte, blonde, roscate, coafate, bronzate, tatuate, imbracate, dezbracate si chiar nechilotate, brunete, cochete, asortate, neasortate, pitzipoance si tigance, ochelariste, pistruiate si chiar transpirate, hipioate, bucalate, voluptoase, plamanoase, buzate si televizate, pe jos, cu masina sau cu bicicleta, in magazine, pe strada, la McDonalds sau la film, in parcuri, in club sau la mall, la sala sau piscina... peste tooot si sunt multe multe rau! Aaaa... summertime!