Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Revista COMICS nr. 22 (august 2014)


Revista COMICS nr. 22 reuneste lucrarile a 12 autori de comics si benzi desenate: Cristinel Zaharie, Anghel Serban, Veniamin Chitu, Traian Ionescu, Octav Ungureanu si Radu Stoican cu un nou episod din serialul Ketchup si Mustar, Acest numar aduce in prim plan un nou webcomic romanesc: Gritty Owls (scenariu - Irina Turturean, desen - Alexandru Glonin ), prezinta o scurta poveste marca Pillowzoid si un nou episod cu vampirul Vlady. Tot in acest numar puteti vedea si un mic preview dintr-o noua carte ilustrata de Mihai Grajdeanu "Dacia Preistorica Ilustrata".

Citeste integral si gratuit pe:

Si va reamintim ca s-a deschis primul comicshop din Romania, magazin 100% dedicat revistelor de benzi desenate, si nu oriunde ci chiar in centrul Bucurestiului, pe bulevardul Nicolae Balcescu nr.35.

Varianta tiparita a revistei, cat si multe alte reviste, albume si romane grafice romanesti pot fi comandate de pe - cea mai cuprinzatoare librarie de benzi desenate romanesti.

Revista COMICS poate fi incorporata pe orice site sau blog folosind codul de embed de aici

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mihaela Detectiv

Mihaela Detectiv - supliment al revistei Mihaela editata in anii '90 de Nell Cobar

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Good and Evil

The critically-acclaimed Good and Evil (2012 Telly Award Winner, Independent Publishers 2008 Bronze Medal Winner in Graphic Novel / Drama category and 2008 Forward Book Award Finalist) truly is "the ultimate superhero" graphic novel. It is making a huge impact worldwide.

he Good and Evil project has one goal: To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Good and Evil gives the listener, viewer, and reader an understanding of the Bible from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wednesday Comics: Pokeweed


 Pokeweed! A small town with big fun. It’s the anywhere and everywhere town on  the map, but just south of nowhere. Living in Pokeweed anything can happen, but always with loads of fun.  A simple life poke’n at ya  from Drew Pocza.© 2010.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

For the birds

Who doesn't love good propaganda?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Ruff and Reddy

The Ruff and Reddy Show (also known as Ruff and Reddy) is an American animated television series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for NBC. The series follows the adventures of Ruff , a straight and smart cat, and Reddy, a good-natured, brave dog. Ruff and Reddy was the first television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions; it was presented by Screen Gems, the television arm of Columbia Pictures (now Sony Pictures Television). Ruff and Reddy premiered in December 1957 and ran for fifty episodes until April 1960, comprising three seasons. [wikipedia]

Friday, August 15, 2014


Din 15 august noul din HAC se gaseste in chioscuri, librarii, benzinarii si centre de distributie presa (lista completa de locatii: aici) Aventura in benzi desenate continua: Vedra are o întâlnire neplăcută cu Ziraxes, în timp ce Lardea, Mara și Ștefan ajung la templul din Skumbras. Ce descoperă eroii noștri acolo și cum se apropie Miron tot mai mult de Inima Ghețurilor citiți în HAC #12!
Daca vreti sa primiti revista acasa inaintea tuturor nu trebuie decat sa va abonati aici. Tot in shopul nostru online gasiti si alte benzi desenate ale editurii HAC!BD, tricouri, cani personalizate, stickere, bijuterii facute din reviste de benzi desenate si multe altele!


Va recomand un articol foarte interesant despre viata de "muncitor": [link]

"[...]But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours) but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work.[...]"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday Comics: The Story of Boy and Terrence Marmalade

Animator and comic artist Vince Mascoli (Dear Dad, Love Maria, Sandy Fishnets) presents The Story of Boy and Terrence Marmalade (A Unicorn), A classic coming-of-age story of a boy and his defective unicorn, Terrence Marmalade. A story featuring adventure, magic, mystery and a little bit of good old fashioned science, Boy and Terrence Marmalade will bring a smile to your face and possibly to the child inside you.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

As above...

o scurta introducere in Astronomie si Astrologie: [doc]
plus iluminare gratuita:

Wednesday Comics: Unearthed Comics

Unearthed Comics is a webcomic that updates several times a week, featuring science comics, parenting humor, business jokes, relationship comics, environmental humor, technology cartoons, and health humor. It is often curated by my anthropomorphic Marilyn Earth character and is doused in double entendres, word-play, and more.

Unearthed Comics has been featured on, Scientific American’s Symbiartic blog, The Environmentalist, Mashable, Hyperallergic, George Takei’s page on Facebook and IFLScience on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Concurs: Recunoaste personajul

Recunoaste personajul si castiga o foto-caricatura. Am nevoie de numele complet al personajului si nu "aaaa... e ala ma, din desenele alea!".

indiciu: "este o diva mereu in pericol"

Pana cand?

cred ca il mai ascut de maxim 2 ori si se dezintegreaza

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Heckle and Jeckle

Heckle and Jeckle are postwar animated cartoon characters created by Paul Terry, originally produced at his own Terrytoons animation studio and released through 20th Century Fox. The characters are a pair of identical anthropomorphic magpies who calmly outwit their foes in the manner of Bugs Bunny, while maintaining an aggressively mischievous streak reminiscent of the early Woody Woodpecker or Screwy Squirrel.

Saturday, August 02, 2014