Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday Comics: Ellie on Planet X

Decades ago a spunky robot nicknamed Ellie was sent on a mission to a remote planet circling a distant star. It took more than thirty years for her to travel across the vacuum of space before she reached her destination eight light years from Earth. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Lucky Luke - Go west! (2007)

The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add sabotage, just to be sure- or is it? [imdb]

Friday, May 23, 2014


A Financial History of the World: Niall Ferguson follows the money to tell the human story behind the evolution of finance, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls Planet Finance [video]

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stick Around

Prima expozitie internationala de street art din Romania reuneste 10.000 de stickere si paste-ups de la peste 200 de artisti mai din toate colturile lumii, am onoarea sa ma numar si eu printre ei cu o serie de 3 stickere facute special pt acest eveniment.

Vineri, 23 mai @ Ciclop, event fb: [link]

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Album legat HAC #2

Lansat weekend-ul trecut la East European Comic Con, albumul legat Harap Alb Continuă cu numerele 5-8 este acum disponibil si pentru comenzi online:

Acest album de colectie cuprinde episoadele 5-8 din HAC, asa cum au fost ele tiparite, inclusiv copertile si este limitat la 1000 de exemplare.

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Duckman

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man is an American animated sitcom that aired from 1994–1997, created by Everett Peck and developed by Peck. The sitcom is based on characters created by Peck in his Dark Horse comic. The series consists of 70 episodes that aired on Saturday nights from 1994 to 1997 on the USA Network.

The series follows the adventures of a lascivious, widowed private detective duck, Eric T. Duckman who lives with his three sons, mother-in-law and sister-in-law Bernice (his late wife Beatrice's identical twin). The tagline of the show, seen in the opening credits, is "Private Dick/Family Man" ("dick" being short for "detective", as well as serving as a double entendre). [wikipedia]

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

ComicCon 2014 a fost epic!

Anul asta a fost intr-adevar bigger and better! De abia acum pot sa spun ca s-a ridicat la inaltimea asteptarilor si la rangul numelui de ComicCon! Tronul din Game of  Thrones si statuia in marime naturala a lui Gerila au fost de departe cele mai tari atractii, ma rog, au mai fost si niste actori dar nu pot sa spun ca m-au miscat in vreun fel, nici macar Jason Momoa. Spatiul a fost mult mai generos si mai bine organizat ca anul trecut, ba mai mult, pavilionul mare a fost chiar prea aerisit... eu cred ca tot evenimentul ar fi incaput in cele doua pavilioane legate si asa n-ar mai fi facut lumea ture pe afara intre cele 2 pavilioane, adica pavilionul mare cu Gaming Arena, scena si Harap Alb continua si pavilionul mic in care s-au inghesuit toate standurile cu figurine, tricouri si benzi desenate si bineinteles Aleea Artistilor care a fost bogata, atat in autori cat si in reviste si albume pregatite special pt Comic Con. Publicul a fost foarte colorat si mai ales costumat sau in unele cazuri prea putin costumat!

Una peste alta a fost  o editie foarte reusita iar cele 3 zile au trecut mult prea repede. Ma intreb daca au venit cei 20.000 de oameni asteptati de organizatori?... Oricum felicitari organizatorilor, voluntarilor si tuturor participantilor, mai ales fetei fara chiloti costumata in... da' ce mai conteaza in ce era costumata?

poze pe aici, aici si aici

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Dragonlance

Dragons of Autumn Twilight is a 1984 fantasy novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, based on a series of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) game modules. The Chronicles trilogy came about because the designers wanted novels to tell the story of the game world they were creating. [wikipedia]

Thursday, May 08, 2014

SmokingCoolCat la ComicCon 2014

Vineri, sambata si duminica ne vedem la ComicCon, cel mai mare eveniment de la noi (si din Europa de Est, de fapt) dedicat serialelor TV, jocurilor video si nu in ultimul rand benzilor desenate. Actori invitati, competitii de gaming si cosplay, tronul din "Game of Thrones", Harap Alb continua, boardgames, figurine si multe altele. Printre ele, la Aleea Artistilor, ma gasiti si pe mine si blogul meu, mai exact o mica revista cu o selectie de desene de pe blog. Am mai pregatit stickere, insigne si alte chestii... nu chiar mearchandising da' ceva sa placa la toata lumea.

9, 10, 11 mai @Romexpo, intre 10:00-20:00, bilet acces general 30 lei

Fotocaricatura: Mihai

Mihai a fost primul care a recunoscut personajul de aici


mda... stiu... sunt hater...

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Sunday Morning Cartoon: Dial M for Monkey

Dial M for Monkey is a segment of Dexter's Laboratory starring Dexter's pet lab monkey, who has superpowers and fights crime with his lovely partner Agent Honeydew and the commander General. Dexter want's his pet lab monkey to have some sort of strange thing about his but he never finds anything, but whenever Dexter isn't looking, Monkey turns into a super powered monkey named Monkey who fights crime and evil whenever all of the other forces have been beaten. Although Monkey is a part of his own segment, he has been seen in the Dexter's Lab segment multiple times.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Ancient Aliens

Cu ocazia asta va recomand o serie de documentare de-a dreptul mind blowing despre foarte multe lucruri printre care constiinta umana, fizica cuantica, magnetism, vibratii, Fibonacci, Tesla, tehnologii pierdute si multe altele! (toate legate) - "Ancient Knowledge" va va ilumina, confirma lucruri sau vi se va parea o tampenie [link]

ps: a nu se confunda cu interpretarile aberante din prea cunoscuta serie "Ancient Aliens"

Friday, May 02, 2014

FreeComicBookDay si Harap Alb continua

FreeComicBookDay este, ca in fiecare an, prima sambata din luna mai. O zi in care librarii si comicshop-uri din lumea intreaga ofera celor care le trec pragul cate o revista gratuita de benzi desenate, invitandu-i-i pe fanii genului sa descopere titluri noi sau atragand noi cititori.

Si anul acesta "Harap Alb continua" are reviste de dat gratis, poti alege intre numerele 3, 4, 5 sau 6!

Mergi sambata 3 mai in locatiile partenere si cere revista ta gratuita de benzi desenate:

BUCURESTI: Libraria Carturesti Verona / Red Goblin, str. Coltei nr.42
CLUJ: Libraria Carturesti, parter Iulius Mall / Red Goblin, str. Paris nr.21
BRASOV: Libraria Carturesti, Piata Sfatului, nr.20;
IASI: Libraria Carturesti, Palas Mall
CONSTANTA: Libraria Carturesti, City Park Mall, parter;
TIMISOARA:  Libraria Carturesti, extinderea Iulius Mall, etaj 1

Iar daca nu esti in niciunul din orasele participante, ne-am gandit si la tine! Intra sambata pe revistaharapalbcontinua si in tab-ul special creat comanda unul din cele 4 numere iar noi iti trimitem prin posta revista absolut gratuit!
Oferta valabila in limita stocului disponibil.

Recunoaste personajul

Recunoaste personajul si castiga o foto-caricatura. Am nevoie de numele complet al personajului si nu "aaaa... e ala ma, din desenele alea!".

indiciu: "e un detectiv foarte eficient dar are ca partener cel mai incompetent ratoi din lume!"